Over the years I have developed and answer to this question that I feel satisfied with: I have two favorites. The first one is Disney's Goofy, and the other is Warner Bros.' Daffy Duck. The reason is that I identify with both of these characters more than any other. Goofy and Daffy represent the duality of my nature. Goofy and Daffy are my yin and yang.
Goofy is hapless and innocent. He is certainly not dumb. A lot of people think Goofy is dumb, but he most definitely is not. Simple? Yes. Dumb. No. But even through this innocence a simple nature he is courageous. He is always trying new things. He is always attempting to learn how to do more things. Who could forget Goofy's How-To shorts from the forties and fifties? He has a terrific heart and is loyal to his friends. He will do anything to help a chum, even when that chum, like Donald Duck, may not always have his best interest at heart. And when we see him in later years as a family man we see that he is a very loving and supportive father, who wants only the best for his children. Goofy is courageous and simple, yet curious and, above all, selfless.
Daffy on the other hand is the opposite pole. Daffy is selfish and self involved. He is incapable of trusting others. He sees everyone as out to get him, and when something goes wrong for him, he is quick to place the blame anywhere but on his own shoulders. He is jealous of Bugs Bunny, when he feels that Bugs is getting to much of the spotlight, yet he is afraid of his own success. Daffy is hot-tempered, cynical, and self-serving.
I see a little bit of myself in both of these characters, both the bad and the good. And I imagine if anyone were to take a good long look at himself he would find himself fluctuating along this same Daffy/Goofy continuum. Some days making sure everyone has an equal share; some days grabbing for more than your own fair share. The Goofy-Angel and the Daffy-Devil on our shoulders are ever present, and who we are depends on who's advice we're taking at the moment.

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