Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So What is a Cartoon Guru Anyway?

That's a good question, no one. Let's see, well, where to begin? First of all, I have been obsessed with cartoons for as long as I can remember. Now when I talk about cartoons, I don't mean animation in general. I don't know much of anything about video games. I don't know anything about special effects animation or motion capture. And, though I can certainly appreciate the artistry, I know little about the art and craft of animation itself. Cartoons to me mean shorts, features, or television that is animated and usually comedic and usually hand drawn (2D). I say usually in both cases to make room for exceptions. Pixar movies are cartoons; so are the Madagascar Penguins even though they are CGI. Also An American Tale and The Secret of Nimh are cartoons, though little traces of comedy are in them.

In short, it's pretty arbitrary. If I think it's a cartoon, then it's a cartoon.

So now that we have covered what a cartoon is, what is a Cartoon Guru? Well, The Cartoon Guru is a moniker I adopted for myself several years ago when I realized that most of the stuff you need to know in life, I learned by watching cartoons. I began offering this advice up to people, and The Cartoon Guru was born.

So that's what we're going to be doing here. Talking about cartoons. This is not a blog about the latest and greatest news stories in animation. For that, see a site like CartoonBrew. For the artistic legacy of animation, see the Animation Archive. Those guys are great. Also, I have no sort of journalistic integrity, and you shouldn't expect any sort of objectivity. My posts are rife with my opinion. So if you like me and think I'm funny, and you like cartoons, this is the place for you. Let's have some conversations and chat about cartoons.

You bring the coffee.


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